Friday, December 14, 2007

Cross Race #5 - Farewell (and good riddance) to the 45+ Category

So far, every cyclocross race I've done has been on a bright and sunny day, and the CO State Championships in Lyons (Dec 9) were no exception - the differences were the 15-degF temperatures and the 6-8 inches of snow on the ground. I had another stellar last-place finish, but only crashed once (into a nice soft snowdrift), and didn't get any flat tires this time.

I stayed surprisingly warm, except for the soles of my feet where the cleats meet the pedals. I was was wearing 5 layers on my upper body, 2 on the legs, neoprene socks and gloves with liners and chemical handwarmers.

This was my last race in the 45+ category - next season, it's on to the 55+ group, which is almost as fast but smaller (they're either dying off or taking up golf).

No pictures of me today, since my photographer didn't want to get up early to stand around in the cold, but here's a shot of one of my 'cross mentors, Mr. MudAndCowbells, coming over the barriers.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Skiing - finally!

Frisco got a good dump yesterday - they were able to groom Crown Point and R.J.'s. Snow's still a bit thin on the road - you can feel the pavement with your poles. But it's good to be out finally (5 weeks later than last year). Did about 24km today.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Cyclocross #4 - Boulder Reservoir

It's December - time for another cyclocross race. This time I went for the 35+/Cat4 group figuring it would be warmer starting an hour after the 45+ group. It was still in the 30s and there was one ice patch down by the res that you didn't want to hit. I'd never ridden in the Boulder Res sand before - it's deep and slow! I had to run the first 3 times down the hill but after that I figured it out and was able to ride it.

I ended up DFL, but I finished - there were 4 or 5 DNFs today. Plus I was the oldest one in the race by 3 years, and my front tire was mostly flat by the time I finished (and the rear was flat when I got home - damn goatheads!)