Saturday, December 1, 2007

Cyclocross #4 - Boulder Reservoir

It's December - time for another cyclocross race. This time I went for the 35+/Cat4 group figuring it would be warmer starting an hour after the 45+ group. It was still in the 30s and there was one ice patch down by the res that you didn't want to hit. I'd never ridden in the Boulder Res sand before - it's deep and slow! I had to run the first 3 times down the hill but after that I figured it out and was able to ride it.

I ended up DFL, but I finished - there were 4 or 5 DNFs today. Plus I was the oldest one in the race by 3 years, and my front tire was mostly flat by the time I finished (and the rear was flat when I got home - damn goatheads!)

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