Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mayday! Mayday!

May 1 seems to mark the official beginning of tourist season here in Slovakia, so we got into the swing of things with a visit to the Stara L'ubovna castle an hour up
the road to the northwest. You can visit both the castle and the 'skanzen' (open-air museum), so we started with the skanzen. They have lots of rural buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries that they've moved to a large field below the castle. You can go into each one and see how people lived back then (and probably how some are still living).

After the skanzen, we walked up to the castle where we were just in time for the falconry exhibition. A couple of guys from the local falcon club were showing off their trained falcon, owl, raven and black eagle. (I didn't know you could train owls and ravens.) After the show, Cindi got up close and personal with the eagle.

The castle itself was pretty interesting - it had been through at least four stages of (re)construction over the last 700 years. You could climb all the way to the top of the tower

and get a nice view of the skanzen and the countryside.

On the way back to Presov, we stopped to see the ruined castle at Plavec - no admission fees, no guides, just castle ruins (and a rainstorm, and lots of snails).

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