Saturday, August 30, 2008

Summer 2008

After taking almost 4 months of vacation and unpaid leave this year, I'm sticking close to home this summer. But things could be worse - I live in a place where people come for vacations.

On June 15, I joined my friends Steve and Larry and a couple of others for a backcountry ski trip on Mt. Trelease, near the Loveland Ski area. Trelease isn't much of a peak - only 12477'/3803m - and when you're on top, everything around you seems to be higher. But it had a nice line on the northern side, and I needed to get one backcountry trip in this year.

I like to go as far as possible in my running shoes - this time I made it up to the base of the headwall before I had to put my boots on.

Steve and Larry hike in their ski boots.

Steve points the way.

Steve and Larry kick-stepping up the headwall

Yours truly heading down

I need to get some more weight on that back ski. But I've got some hamstring tendonitis, and I'm just happy to be out skiing...

I had some use-'em-or-lose-'em miles, so I took a quick trip back to Michigan over July 4th to see my parents and my brothers.

The next weekend, Sandy and I rode the Triple Bypass (120 miles with 10000 ft of climbing) for the third year in a row. It was a good ride, but we both agree that it's time to do a different ride next year.

On August 3, we had the High Altitude Hash at Berthoud Pass, so I went up early and tried to ride my mountain bike over Jones Pass. I almost made it but was turned back by snow a few hundred feet before the top of the pass.

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