Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter in Slovakia

They told us Easter was a big holiday here - they weren't kidding. Pretty much everything shuts down from Friday through Monday. The persistent heathen can still find a couple of restaurants and gas stations open, but all the grocery stores (big and small) and most of the cafes are closed.

It rained all day Saturday, and since everything was closed, we had a boring day in the apartment. Easter Sunday was nicer so I got on the bike, rode up through Velky Saris and took the back road into Sabinov, arriving just in time to ride through the huge crowds coming out of the big church. I wanted to check out the ski area at Dreinica (closed for the season), so I rode up through the village past the lower lift. The road kept getting steeper, narrrower and snowier. When it got to 15% grade and a couple of inches of wet snow, I couldn't get enough traction so I turned around - the last half mile to the top of the ski area can wait for drier weather.

We went back up to Bardejov in the afternoon - much nicer than when we were here in February. Charles got some nice pictures at dusk, and we went into the cathedral during eveing Mass, even though it was 'closed for touristic purposes'.

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