Sunday, April 6, 2008

Back in Europe

Well, here I am, back on the east side of the pond again. I had a good whirlwind visit to Boulder last week - I got to ride the bike with the Swift club, ski at Eldora, go to my yoga class and spend a couple of hours cleaning mouse poop out of our laundry room. On my trip back to Europe, I barely missed another round of American Airlines flight cancellations and got through the infamous new Heathrow Terminal 5 one day before a snowstorm closed the place.
I took the bus from the Vienna airport over to Bratislava where Cindi picked me up and we headed up into the Czech Republic. The next morning we drove through the Moravian wine district, stopping in the small town of Mikulov. This would be a nice place to spend a couple of days riding the bike around the backroads and visiting vineyards. There is also an interesting cave on the edge of town, but it's still not tourist season, so it was closed.

Farther up the road, we stopped for lunch in Jihlava, which has a nice large medieval town square

with this unfortuate monstrosity in the middle of it.

Some post-Communist bureaucrat must have decided that this was the way to bring progress to Jihlava.

We got to our hotel in Prague in the late afternoon, and went out for some mediocre Czech-Mex food in the evening.

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