Saturday, February 23, 2008

On the Bike Again

I got my bike assembled on Thursday and was all set to ride on Friday when I noticed that both tires were flat. I've been a fan of those green instant patches (e.g. Slime 'Scabs'), but for some reason they don't hold up to the environment in an airplane luggage hold. I'd been riding around Boulder for a month with these same patched tubes, but the patches seemed to have dried out and started leaking by the time they got here. Local bike shops do have tubes, so I rounded up a pair and got out on the road on Saturday.

After about 3 miles of breathing Diesel exhaust, I got to the forest road to Kvasny Vody. This is a one-lane asphalt road through the woods and it's closed to motor vehicles. The road surface is a bit decayed in places so the cross bike is a good choice. I stopped at the top of a long hill where the asphalt ends and the mountain bike trails start. A couple of minutes later, one of the local MTB riders came up the same way and stopped to talk. His name is Michal and he spent some time in Denver many years ago, so he speaks decent English. We were both looking for someone to ride with, so we spent the next hour riding various little roads through the woods, eventually riding back to Presov and exchanging phone numbers so we can ride again.

No pictures - I'll take the camera next time.

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