Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Out in the Woods

Yesterday I decided to go explore some of the trails that my friend Michal had pointed out to me on Saturday. He hadn't been in this area yet either, so I didn't know what to expect. It turned out to be mostly very smooth asphalt, sometimes covered with leaves or moss, but again no car traffic. There wasn't any bike or foot traffic either - I rode for close to an hour though the woods and saw nobody. There was a colorful map at the trailhead showing the yellow, red, green and blue trails, but once you were out on the trails there was no indication which road was which color, or whether a road was actually part of the colored trail system at all. I had to backtrack a couple of times, but eventually came out behind the chaty (garden cottages) in Cemjata. I tacked on an out-and-back to Bzenov - somehow I expected that riding to a place called 'Bzenov' would be more exotic than riding to Jamestown or Hygiene, but there was nothing happening there at all, so I rode back to Prešov. About 27 miles with some good hills - my thighs are feeling it. And I know my bike would be faster if I put the road tires (700x25) on instead of the 700x32 cross tires, but then I couldn't ride the forest paths.

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