Friday, February 29, 2008

A légpárnás hajóm tele van angolnákkal

According to my Hungarian phrasebook, this means 'My hovercraft is full of eels'. Today was a long day of driving to and from the Budapest airport to pick up our son. Most of Hungary is extremely flat, but there are some nice hills and caves that we'll have to explore on a different trip. Driving through Budapest (in our case, just Pest (the eastern side of the river)) should be avoided if at all possible, but it's really hard to get to the airport any other way. We took the back roads on the way back home - probably no faster, but more interesting. We stopped at a massive supermarket in Miskolc to stock up on Barilla pasta and Hungarian wine (Tokaj and Egri Bikaver).

I wonder what goes on at this rest area on the Hungarian autobahn.


Genevieve said...

Hi George, Thanks for sending us your blog address. Blogs are great. Sounds like a good trip over there. We're just starting to get off our skis onto our bikes. Jenny

Jeff Yegian said...

Hey George - ah, the joys of living vicariously thru blogs... Sounds like you're keeping plenty busy and having fun. 70+ yesterday (first tan lines of 2008) and snow today - typical Boulder. Jeff Y