Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Trans-Europe Express

Just a quick update: I'm safely ensconced in Presov, Slovakia, my more-or-less final destination. On Sunday PM, I drove east across Switzerland, dipped briefly into Liechtenstein and made it across western Austria as far as Imst (Tirol). The next day, I got a good (but cold) ski workout at Niederthai (Otztal) and then set my nostril hairs on fire and drove to Vienna. I spent an enjoyable evening with my friend Tom and his family, and slept on the guest mattress under the dining table. After a visit to a typical Viennese coffee shop the next morning, I drove across Slovakia, stopping long enough for a quick ski at Park Snow Donolavy. I pulled into Presov well after dark and took about 45 minutes of blundering around to find my wife and our apartment.

I am now a visiting leech at the Department of Geography of the University of Presov. More details at 10....

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