Monday, February 4, 2008

Too Much Racing

Well, the snow is here, and I've been overdoing it - 8 races in just over 3 weeks. Three of those were the Eldora Nighthawks 5km night races where we ski around the base of the ski area in temperatures as low as -1F (-18C). I also did a 10k snowshoe race in Silverthorne, the Devils Thumb Pursuit race (7.5k classic, 7.5k skate), the 15k at Gold Run, and yesterday both the 5k classic and the 20k skate at the Frisco Gold Rush. I actually won my age group at a couple of these - there are lots of faster guys my age, but I guess they didn't show up.

I'm seriously tired now - time for a few days off before next weekend's race in Switzerland (I hope).

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