Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Random Musings from the East

They don’t like to be referred to as ‘Eastern Europe’ here – they prefer ‘Central Europe’. And yes, geographically speaking, the center of Europe is in Slovakia, but culturally and economically, this is the East.

Exercising on purpose is not popular here. I’ve been out running on the bike path along the river, and I’ve seen a couple of other people running, but generally I just get odd looks and the occasional giggle (or maybe I’m just paranoid). They’ll probably be really shocked when I get my bike out.

I’m afraid the ski season here is going to be a bust. Next Saturday’s race (near Banska Bystrica) has been postponed until mid-March due to lack of snow, and who knows if it will happen then. The local idea of cross-country skiing is more like back-country touring than like the skating/racing that I like to do.

Even though there’s not much snow, there’s enough to get my car stuck. Peugeot put some totally inadequate (for winter) summer tires on our car, and I’ve been stuck twice on ice already. This morning, I dropped $15(!) on a set of tire chains.

Some things are a bargain here – I can get a beer or espresso in a restaurant for around $1, and a nice dinner is around $10. But I just filled the car today for around $90 – diesel is almost $7 per gallon. Fortunately, I’m getting 42-45mpg.

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